HAHAHA I laugh at that! I'm such a terrible housewife! Maybe when husband actually lives here I'll be better!! Anyway - I read this article and wanted to share!
Do you have issues with filmy dishes? I DO!!! It is so obnoxious!! The last time I had people over (well last time and the first and only time..) for dinner I was so super careful to count out the dishes and rewash all of them before the guests came over! I promise my dishes are clean (when I actually get to cleaning them!) but they come out looking GROSS! I totally stole the above picture from here. But mine come out of the dishwasher with the same nastiness!!
Apparently it's an issue with phosphates being removed from our dish detergent, or something. These bloggers suggest citric acid or a product called Lemi Shine to mix with regular detergent!
I've totally added Lemi Shine to my shopping list!
Also, Mom-in-law tells me that if you get rings in your glass (mine are from leaving glasses on the windowsill so the cats can drink water from them = high maintenance) denture cleaner works too! I have a big stack from her that I have yet to use, so I'll report back on that as well! This Lemi Shine stuff seems to be an all purpose solve-it though if it'll fix my glasses and dishes!
Do you have any good housewife tricks to share??
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