
White Chocolate Bread Pudding Goodness

Sunday night Mike and I went out to eat at Biaggi's. It had been cold and rainy for the past few days and I was really craving some warm, comforting pasta. Neither of us had been there and it was really a lovely experience! The best part however was the dessert. I really did not have any room left, but when the server responded that their bread pudding did not have raisins we HAD to try it! If I was being dramatic I would say it was simply life changing!! Really it was delicious! My favorite had been at a place in Cincinnati called Nicholson's, but after going a few months ago with the family I discovered that they actually put raisins in their bread pudding and it just wasn't as magical. This on the other hand, was perfect.
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I told Mike that if he felt so inclined he could pick this up for my birthday dessert. So yum! 

This morning I found a copy cat recipe! Check it out! Can't wait to make it!!

Time to drag my butt to a yoga class! Happy Tuesday!

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