After a long, tedious day of applying for jobs (yes, still thankful that I continue to find jobs to apply for!) I sat myself down and started reading Twilight (thanks to dear sis-in-law for loaning it to me!). Given that I'm a very slow reader and already on page 94 I find myself wondering if this Twilight phenomena might be the cure to the Army blues! Granted, I have no clue what time I actually started reading it, but I guess that speaks for itself that I'm engrossed! I've heard much criticism about the poor writing and "awful at best grammar" but it is surprisingly fascinating and fun to read! Besides, I'm not a grammar queen (if you haven't noticed!).
Just finished "cooking" a skillet meal for myself that I think is tasty enough to share! I love the bertoli meals as any easy meal when I'm not in the mood to cook, but they are just so dang expensive! I recently discovered Voila! they are considerably cheaper and pretty tasty! Nutritional? Eh?
Mike has arrived safely in the desert! Haven't heard much, but he sent two pictures of his living accommodations! Even though you can't really tell from the pictures, the room will house 40 soldiers! good times! Hoping to be able to share more pictures of the area as I get them!
Back to Twilight for me, folks!
The Twilight Series was a great and fast read for me! As you go on the story lines are a little ridiculous, but I'm not going to lie....I was always engrossed! Btw...I've read some awesome books this summer if you need some more after you finish this series!