
Weekend, baby!!

It's Friday!!! And this Friday is the start of an Army weekend!! Mike has drill at Ft. Knox, so I'm going down to visit him and to attend the FRG family support group meeting on Saturday!! I'm also in the market for some new army wife stickers for my car, and ever on the hunt for the classic Army t-shirt which seems unreasonably hard to find!! ya know, the kind that just says "army" on the front - like the pt shirts, but not the pt shirt? All I can find has awful flowers all over it!

In other news we just found out that one of my cats, Fiv (we have two, Amelia who is almost 2 and Fiv who is 7) has "Feline idiopathic cystitis" wowzer! I'm learning much more about cats then I ever imagined! Not really a bad thing, just surprising. Thankfully, I've really fallen in love with these girls and appreciate the responsibility of being a soon to be single mommy of 2! ;) fortunately, just temporarily!

Anyway back to the cystitis - we took Fiv to the vet last weekend b/c she was not using the litter box properly and we were concerned about a potential UTI.. after much expense including a urine culture the vet discovered that fortunately it's not an infection (especially since the prescribed medicine was making her throw up and I discontinued it after a few days) but this cystitis thing which is an inflammation. Anyway, probably enough detail about Fiv and her bladder for this post - basically we have a sick cat on our hands and she needs to be pampered! Fortunately this includes giving her wet cat food, which she loves - and seeing her chow down makes me feel like a queen.

I have been on a movie kick lately!! It's much too hot to do most things, in my opinion! Watched Leap Year last night and would actually recommend it! Pretty cute! Have you seen any good movies lately? Let me know!!

OK time to pack and get ready to head to Knox!

1 comment:

  1. Great idea! I wondered if you were journalling. I'll be sure to check in on you!
    Love you,Mom xoxo
