
Pivotal Monday

If you missed the first round of Manic Monday, check it out here! Here are my 5, a day late (sorry!).

1) Sneezy. I don't know what it is but I have this sneezing issue. I started a tally at work last week and I was always in the 7-9 range! Just at work! I don't know if this means I'm sick? Or allergic? Even worse - allergic to cats? Yikes.

2) Proud. Yesterday I had a pivotal social work moment that may just be career altering!! OK maybe that's being a little dramatic. I was forced with either following the word from my job coach (which I knew was wrong) or serve the client. I had this thought (I felt like I should be on a tv show and I should have a spot light on me- it was that pivotal!!) of "Ok.. I'm a social worker to: serve my clients. Not to make friends." In the end it was all very minor and inconsequential, but to me it set the precedent for myself that it is ok to question my job coach and look into alternate solutions.

3) Reminiscent. The situation in #2 really made me miss my Alabama social work girls! I could totally picture us out at a bar for happy hour discussing said situation and expressing our frustrations with older crusty social workers! I know by now we all have our stories!

4) Anxious. The husband flies home this week! Oh wait - tomorrow night! It will be just wonderful having him home! HAVE to remind myself to focus on the day at hand and somehow avoid this next goodbye. (It's gonna be a doozy, folks!)

5) Casual. Unfortunately I didn't get the memo that starting yesterday we can wear casual clothes at work until the end of the month "unless we have a meeting where we need to look professional." I wore normal work clothes yesterday, but today, JEANS! And UGGS! I really want to wear a sweatshirt, and let's face it, my co-workers find the extreme end of the casual spectrum, so it would be ok... but I can't! Not today at least. I'm tempted to wear a particularly loud Christmas sweatshirt tomorrow though. We'll see!!

There's my 5! Off to conquer this Tuesday!

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