
1 week!

I start my first ever big girl job in 1 week!! Let the wild rumpus begin!!! ;) Nah, gonna keep it cool!! I'm hosting a family birthday / anniversary party for the in-laws tomorrow night so I'll have an excuse to get the apartment in pretty good shape which always helps my outlook! Wouldn't mind playing dress up later in the week to put together a few outfits and then will need to get lunch food to pack and yeah! the end! So excited to learn more about what to expect!! I have no clue how much orientation I will have to endure, but I can probably guarantee it will be a faster process than at the VA!

I had a great weekend in Kentucky visiting the husband! Proportionately I spent more time without him than with him (as he had to work all weekend), but it was worth it! I was talking to him the other day about how every now and then someone on facebook will have a status about how she has to be apart from her husband for the weekend and how she just doesn't know how she will ever deal with it... I'm looking forward to being in that situation in the future! Getting to spend the majority of my time with him and finding it strange when he has to go for the weekend. That feels like a looong way away, but mostly because I'm so sucked into the reality of the here and now. Anywho, something to look forward to! :)

A lot of people wonder what our future looks like! I do too, believe me! We really have no way of knowing. We've talked about when he is back to take that opportunity to move to a town / state of our own. We discussed the west coast and parts of Tennessee.. but that is so much up in the air! I would like to say that at some point, for at least a year or two, we'll move away, but that may not happen either. His career goals are still in the working / formulating stages, so a lot will depend on how that shapes up. One thing that we know we want to do is go on a second honeymoon! Not only is it fun to think about and eventually start to plan, but a getaway will be much needed after time apart.

I don't have any pictures from this weekend to share, so how about some of the cats! ;)

We buy her toys.... but she loves paper bags and twist ties!

The fivvy girl!
OK! That's it for now! Coffee cup is empty, so that must mean it's time for my butt to start moving!

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