

ok I know I've already posted 3 times today, but I have to share. I just had one of the most disturbing things happen!! Mid shower, the water turns murky. At first I think I cut myself then I realized oh no, that's not just a cut! Stupid me, forgot that the apartment complex sent out a flyer warning us that they would be working on the water hydrants today and not to do any laundry! Well, not having a washer and dryer in our apartment I tossed it out and didn't think anything else of it! Ohhh how disturbing, how disturbing, how disturbing!!! Blek!

Figuring this stuff is not good for my body or hair, I hop out (shampoo still happily in my hair) wrap my hair up in a towel and freak out in disgust! eww! ewww! eww!! Then whether in reality or in my head, I decide that my body is itchy and burning! Great. I debate driving to my parents house to rinse off, but figure the logistics of the wet, drippy hair would be tricky. I call the apartment complex to remind myself how long they were working on the water. Apparently they were done and I would just have to run water for "a couple of minutes." Probably 7-10 minutes later the water is mostly clear and I hop back in and rinse off (after cleaning the tub). Eww I still feel icky and bleh!! I'm so glad I'm not more of a germaphobe or I would probably be convulsing!! Gross. Well ladies and gents, lesson learned. Save miscellaneous flyers for further review, and get out of the shower asap if the water goes murky!

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