Week is just flying by!! So far it's been a pretty fab week!! I spent time with Mevy on Monday and just loved it! We enjoyed time in downtown Loveland - err historic Loveland? and talked like adults! At least she keeps telling me I'm an adult now. Guess marriage made that happen? Dunno. Something she said to me awhile back has been on my mind since. Profound! Prior to making plans to hang out she commented that I don't really know her a part from her family - in the past we have only seen each other at family gatherings and as such I know her as part of that family. Makes me wonder if I have other friends like that - that I only know as part of the group and how they fit into that group - but get them outside of that.. group? situation? surrounding? do I know them as them? Did that make sense? Anyway, it totally made sense to me, and I've just been mulling it over in my head.
I spent ALLLLL day Tuesday reading the latest Jodi Picoult book! I was a little disappointed. It is about a family with an 18 (?) year old son with Aspurgers. While I feel like I learned more about Aspurgers, it didn't really grab my attention like most of her books (even though I read it one day..). Still worth taking a look at for those Jodi Picoult fans, just not her BEST!
Speaking of reading, made my way through the second twilight book! Still enjoying them! The third is currently on my bedside table waiting for me! I know I'll get sucked in! I watched the first Twilight movie on Monday and HATED it!! The acting was AWFUL! It just felt fake and not believable and ughh dunno - easy to make fun of! Last night I watched the second one with high school friend Jean and was relieved! So much better!! Apparently the third book and movie are about to blow my mind with awesomeness! Looking forward to it..
Got caught up on laundry yesterday (much needed endeavor!). What a relief to have clean clothes! Today I'm meeting up with the sis-in-law for happy hour! Yay!! and Tomorrow I'm hoping to see best friend Liz! Patting myself on the back for having a social week! I'm really ready to find a job - not having much luck, but still diligently working at it and applying to whatever I see!
This past weekend I went with my mom to see my dad's band play! It was a lot of fun - even if it was a fish fry (bleh!). Took one picture and it didn't turn out very well but want to share anyway!
Dad's band has another gig this weekend that I'm planning on going to! Good times!
Mike is doing well in CA - sounds like he is doing a great job as a leader and is getting recognition for how awesome he is - which always feels nice! Some days we get to talk on the phone (especially if I'm up late enough reading and can catch him at the end of his day) and some days we just text back and forth as we can. Here is a picture he sent of the post! not much to it, eh? Apparently it really is that tiny!
Getting ready for a post of current favorite things, just have to find a few more to make it feel like a real list! Enjoy your Thursday and weekend!
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