
Happy Birthday To ME!

When I was younger I felt like it was proper etiquette or something to be quiet about your birthday, and not boast that today in fact is your birthday. That has changed.

I'm not really sure where I came up with that idea, but it's a secret no more! Hahaha. My family embraces "Birthday Brat" and while the idea of being labeled a birthday brat makes me cringe, I will enjoy my birthday, in a polite (hopefully!), but not so quiet way! So there! :)
Also, I will insist that the premiere of The Bachelorette being tonight was done, for my birthday. Thank you ABC! The End.


May 1st!

To me, this just feels crazy. Last year May was SUCH a BIG month - graduation, moving, wedding, honeymoon, birthday! Wowzer. I would be lying if I said I wasn't hesitant going it solo this year- although I know I have the support of friends and family. It's just kind of .. daunting.

This time last year graduation was a week away, and the wedding a week and 1 day after that! There was so much excitement and hustle and bustle and last minute planning - oh my!

This year, the new class of MSWs will not have a graduation due to the horrific tornadoes that devastated the south last week, causing graduation to be postponed until August.. man. That's a hard thing to sort through.

It's hard not to be pensive at the very least. I just can't believe it's been a year! I've been so busy counting down my deployment calendar that the "length of time we've been married" calendar has taken a backseat - although always in the back of my mind. I guess because the year of deployment mark has a handful of months left, it's shocking that our anniversary is just around the corner!

I'm guessing the key will be to stay busy (as usual) and skype/email with husband as much as possible! I have a Chicago trip coming up that I'm very much looking forward to, and a bunch of family dinners - including the always anticipated "birthday palooza" where we cram 3 birthdays in at once! ..Spring/ summer is a busy birthday time in my family! A palooza just makes sense.

Early June I'll be heading to a wedding in Evansville, IN and get to see some great friends and sorority sisters that I haven't seen in 4-5 years! It'll be great! And then little brother FINALLY gets to graduate from his crazy, rigorous college program! That will be a huge celebration! .. and before I know it, it'll be halfway through June and the time left of deployment will be shrinking!

I'm going to try to be that girl that people are like "oh she handles this so well!" and if I'm not, well, I have one hell of an excuse! :)

Happy May y'all!

P.S. If those April showers don't bring May flowers, somebody is going to have a talkin' to! 


weekend = success!

YAY!! Love getting to talk to husband on the weekends (even if his face is kinda fuzzy looking!)! :) :)


Ready for the weekend!

What a crazy week it's been!! This past weekend was a dear friends wedding in Nashville and it was absolutely wonderful, but insanely busy! Honored to be a bridesmaid and be part of the day! It's so hard to be so involved for a few days straight and then have no communication with her while she's on her honeymoon! Can't wait for her to come back and hear all about it! So that was this past Thursday-Sunday. Then, Tuesday for work I had to go to Columbus for a conference - so it's been a lot of driving and I'm pooped!

I finally got to the doctor this week - you know, that primary doctor person people see some what regularly? Turns out it had been since 2006 when I was switching from my pediatric doctor to adult doctor since I had seen her. I've been having crazy allergy symptoms since last fall (at least!?) and finally got in for a check up and to discuss said sneezing. Since I'm not interested in getting shots, she said there was no point in getting tested to see what I'm allergic to! Rather anticlimactic. Guess I'll continue to take claritin as needed. Otherwise, clean bill of health!

The weather the last few days has been gorgeous! Our apartment has a small balcony and the cats and I have enjoyed spending some time out there after work! I find myself day dreaming about all the things I'd do if 1) I didn't have to go into work and 2) if husband was home. Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful to have a job, but the thought definitely crosses my mind. "If I wasn't driving into work right now, I'd totally ....." - today it was sit outside with a cup of coffee and a book! The other day after my doctors appointment I wanted to go to brunch with husband and go for a walk. Work/ Iraq won! Next spring, I will play hookie. Or plan ahead and take PTO... yeah that'd probably be more responsible! Husband, if you're reading this, mark your calendar! ;)

Alright, enough for now! Byeee!


Well look at that!

So, it's been a month and a half! No daily ramblings here lately! No excuses, just wasn't feeling it!

But I'm here to ramble -for today at least! Everything is moving right along - we're almost 6 months into this deployment and that my friends is a HUGE victory! YAY, yay, yay!!! Work is busy, which is great! I need busy right now!! Sometimes when I schedule an appointment after my normal work hours to accommodate a client's family I think how nice it is that I can do this now, but once husband is home that will likely change -I'll have a reason to rush home!

So I'm going to say it: Deployment is just weird. I remember in high school thinking about deployment and feeling like "that has got to be the worst thing ever!" Even then my heart just ached at the idea in that uncontrollable I can not even imagine, kinda way! Little did I know that I would marry into the military and not have to think to imagine what it would be like!

I have some moments here and there (mercifully few and far between lately!) where I'm pretty emotional about it, but you just... keep going! It's kind of a numb, blah feeling most of the time. It's certainly not great, but I'm thankful that time passes and I'm finding things to keep me busy! Right now the only time I get super bummed about it is when I think about our first year of marriage and how the days we've been apart are far greater in number than those spent together. Sigh. ...Moving on!

Mother-in-law recently bought husband a magic jack and sent it to him so he has telephone access now! This was great at first, but lately there has been an insane delay! Like 30 seconds, for real! It's almost comical because you'll have to remember what the response was in answer to when you get it 3 conversations later! Gotta laugh or you'd scream!!! Hopefully this is a product of weather interfering with internet signal and not the new norm!

Today a coworker told me that her cousin is going to be deploying soon. She just looked at me with these sad, anxious, unknowing eyes as if she wanted me to have a fix for her! What could I really say? ..You just find a way to get through it!

I think friends probably have a hard time knowing what to say to me. Maybe? It's like with someone who is grieving - there are no "right things" to say, but the effort and caring words help. A family friend wisely told my mom that the hardest part after losing a loved one is after the first few months have passed, when people forget and refocus on their own lives and their stuff. According to her, it is then when she knew she would need the most support! This really isn't a blatant call out, but more something to ponder as I think it's an important concept when dealing with folks going through a rough time!

As for me, just moving along, thankful for each day that passes and being one day closer to husband coming home!



Happy lovers day!

I survived! You know, leading up to today I was worried about how it would feel to spend our first Valentine's Day as husband and wife apart from each other, but it went by! I realized last night that we all have choices about how we respond to our circumstances. I could have spent all day today being sad and depressed that we are apart, or I could be thankful for all the joy and blessings that this man, my husband, has brought to my life.

Thankfully my mind and heart went on the positive outlook and that's how my day turned out! Y'all - I didn't even cry! No tears when my coworkers sincerely asked how I was holding up today. Truth is, I love my husband and want to celebrate our love today, even from a distance! 

Babe, if you read this, you are my person, the love of my life and I'm so glad we said "I do." I will be thankful when this year of separation comes to an end, but know that I'm surviving today and working towards a mindset of thriving! 


Good times, good times!

hello!! y'all - I'm soooo pooped, but just had the greatest weekend with some wonderfully inspiring ladies! I met up with four of my college roommates in Chicago! What a blast!! I also had my first experience with mega bus! It really is a great way to travel! 

I have a bunch of unpacking and bonding with the cats so they don't feel entirely neglected, but will definitely post more later! 
1 of 4 pictures I took! Sadly none were of us - will have to get those from Liz!


new beer discovery!

I really like Michelob Ultra's line of flavored beers. The lime cactus and tuscan orange grapefruit were my favorites, but there is a new player in town! Dragon Fruit Peach! Mmm mm!
Husband asked if I would get sick of it (I tend to do that with beer) and there is a good chance! But it's a nice change, and if you're into light fruity beers, check it out!

That's all! Happy super bowl - if you're into that kinda thing...


a little late

I had good intentions of posting last night, but wasn't feeling super hot! I'm going to blame it on Monday :) 5 updates for you!

1) My neighbor made me pumpkin chocolate chip bread and brought it over last night! Too bad I don't know her name... Wouldn't that have been awkward - "oh thanks for the homemade goodies.... uh.. what's your name again?" At least then I would know? Oh well. We chatted for a bit and bonded even without knowing her name (gosh I feel awful!). The bread was still warm and made a yummy "bed night snack" and breakfast! Hooray!

2) While talking to the neighbor my cat ran outside!!! Oh jeez! All is well, but I panicked at first!!! She went down a few steps - sniffed it out and then I lured her back up with kitty treats. Enough of an adventure for one night!

3) I'm really loving working on Social Work Couture - I'm finding it to be such a creative outlet! You'll probably see less and less of me on here as I'm working on that project!

4) Getting ready to renew our lease at our apartment! That will put us here until April and then on to something bigger and better! I'm already excited about the possibilities - as is husband! No clue what it'll end up being, but so much of our future is up in the air, so that's not a surprise!

5) February is looking like a busy month!! I'll be going to Chicago and Florida! I'm going to have to work my butt off at work in overtime so I can play on the weekends, but it'll be worth it to catch up with good friends!

That's all! xoxo!


Did she just say spa-tastic?

Yesterday I met up with my friend Jessica for happy hour! After we wined and dined ;) we did a little shopping! No big purchases, but I did buy a candle on sale @ Banana Republic! Strange place to be buying candles, I know, but BR was (is?) having a sale with an extra 50% off all sale items!

The candle was not packaged as pretty as this as it was the last one in the store, but who really needs a fancy candle box anyway? Not when it's a gift from me, to me, that's for sure!
In case you find yourself at BR, the scent is Golden Orchard and it's divinely therapeutically spa-tastic! That's right. Spa-tastic!

Original price: $16.99
Sale price: $9.99
My price: $4.99 + tax!


Didja know Monday

This Monday I'm not feeling so inspired.. so I will share with you things I have learned today:

1) There is such a thing as breast milk donors. I heard this story on NPR on my way into work, and it kinda freaked me out. I guess there's that whole "do what you gotta do for your baby" thing which I can't relate to, being sans child... but I dunno, kinda gave me the creeps!

2) NPR also told me about this book called O: A Presidential Novel that is coming out soon. The author is anonymous - what a genius marketing move! I'm not a huge non-fiction reader, but it's tempting to check it out just because nobody knows who the author is- makes it exciting!

3) While driving home, I happened to notice that the car next to me had eye lashes! Not kidding. I guess their car felt naked after the hideous reindeer antlers got put away for the season.. This was not the car, but thanks to this site, I can show you what I'm talking about! Have you seen this yet??
4) Mom told me that Oprah recently found out she has a sister she didn't know about! Who know! NPR also talks about it here!

5) I'm getting ready for bed during Bachelor commercials and calling it an early night! I dragged my butt alllll day!


A Soldier's Wife

Shared with me by another army wife.

To those that understand, and those that are willing to understand - thank you. Your help and support means so much! 


Holiday Monday

Monday again! In case you've missed the last few Manic Mondays, every Monday (well, usually!) I pick 4-5 recent moods/ emotions and explain them!

1) Excited - The desk and matching side table/ file drawer looks great in the apartment! It feels so nice to have some of the papers moved off the kitchen table and more organized on the desk. I still have to make a trip to an office supply store, but we're making improvements here! Big thanks to pops for his patience with installation! Pictures to come soon!

2) Marvelous (I think I just picked this word because it starts with an 'M'.. and so does Monday!) - so nice to have a long weekend, especially this weekend so I can talk to my hubs as much as possible before he travels far, far, away! I will admit that I have not reflected on the reason for the holiday, nor posted my favorite MLK quote on facebook - which seems to be the current way of proving that you're respectful and appreciative of the holiday Monday... Maybe next year.

3) Cat-minded - I've been very productive with my Monday! Started off by taking Fiv to the vet. The vet recommended all sorts of things to try and buy, so I've been all over town checking those items off my list! Time to get this cat healthy!

4) Crafty - OK so I feel like I'm exaggerating by calling this project "crafty", but I guess it is! I created a flower arrangement for my new desk! I went to Hobby Lobby and picked up 3 stems of fake flowers (currently on sale for 50% off) for a grand total of $3.17. You see, I recently acquired a neat glass jar mom had that used to be her mom's and I just knew I had to turn it into a vase! After cutting down the long stems and arranging the extra leaves around the bottom of the vase, I'm the proud owner of a new desk accessory!

I'm especially loving the bright, happy yellow! It will be a fun project to update with the seasons as well!

5) Cable tv lover! Some of you know that I finally got cable! We're a couple weeks into it and it's such a nice distraction on what can be otherwise lonely nights! Some of my new favorite shows are Millionaire Matchmaker, Celebrity RehabBeyond Scared Straight, and of course my favorite Food Network shows!

Golden Globes

Did you miss the Golden Globes last night?
Pink was just one of the many trends on the red carpet last night!
Stop by Social Work Couture for a review of the best and the worst dressed!


Organizational inspiration!

Y'all are probably learning that sometimes I need a little inspiration to get me going! Fortunately I've come across other bloggers that are getting organized as well, and that has given me some great ideas!

Amber, from Amber's Notebook clued me into this neat way of organizing earrings!

I've given this tip a try with the cute flower vase I picked up on my honeymoon!  
While I love making this item more functional, it doesn't really go with my bedroom decor - at all, and I wish it was more bowl-like so I could put post earrings in as well. For now, I'll leave it how I have it, but will likely switch to a clear bowl in the near future!

My second organizational inspiration came from these girls and their amazingly organized closets: Kendi & Jill (click their names to be real inspired)! 

In particular, I copied Jill's (from Good Life for Less) hanging bag idea:
 and used it to store my big/long sweaters and jeans:
Please notice the crazy cramped closet! Organization is key!
Way back when I had a cheap sweater hanging bag thingy, and the boards really bowed and it was just a mess!! I found this one at The Container Store and so far am amazed with how sturdy it is! I also love this new way to store jeans! I can be really lazy, and would fold my jeans - no problem, but hanging them always seemed to not happen and they'd end up neatly stacked and folded.. on the floor. Problem solved!

While I was at Container Store I picked up a set of 2 drawer dividers to separate and organize my unmentionables. Picture not included. :) The device is way cool though! No assembly required! It spring loads and easily fits into place!

Lastly, a little magazine help! Emily from Cupcakes and Cashmere reminded me that magazines don't have to stack up and take over tables! Amazing! Here is her version:

I found this magazine storage thingy in the dollar section @ Target! Sweet!

In just a few hours, dad-to-the-rescue will be installing the new desk that I purchased yesterday (I'm serious about this organizing stuff people!) and I'll have a more appropriate place for my magazines (among other things that tend to clutter my kitchen table)!

That's it for now! 

Have you come across any organizational inspiration pictures lately? Share your tips in the comments!



Y'all I have to say that I'm SO thankful that I've become friends with another Army wife in the unit that lives super close to me! For the most part we get together for sushi dates - it's always a week highlight!

I remember after one of our first get-togethers she suggested we grab sushi the following week, and I made some comment like "oh I don't know... I'd feel guilty going out to eat again" and she simply said, "we're Army wives! We deserve it!"

I tend to be cautious of the "I deserve it" line - although it certainly runs through my head rather frequently! It's amazing how uplifting it is to be with someone who legitimately "gets it". Being 2 hrs away from most of the unit and missing the Army wives dinners, it's really nice to have an Army wife friend so close by!

Tonight was another sushi date - our husbands joke about all the dates we've gone on! :) Thanks to my parents inviting me to invade time with their friends last week, I discovered that a local thai/asian place has super great happy hour and sushi deals on Wednesdays! Hard to pass up a $3 roll and $2.50 beer!

That's all. Just had to share. I'm thankful.


PF Chang's skillet meal - review

Y'all - this meal was delicious! I'm not even kidding! I hate that I always have the need to have at least one frozen skillet meal on hand at any time, but dang this one was really good! It's $9.99 @ my Kroger, which I would imagine is pretty close to the cost at the restaurant, if not more? Anyone know? Clearly I'll have to indulge myself and have a date for one -aka carryout sometime soon and investigate! All for the love of blogging accuracy ;)

I "made" the General Chang's Chicken last night as that is my favorite, but there are a variety of options. They say the bag is for 2 people, but let me tell you, this is one of those dangerous meals where you diligently only put half on your plate.. then you go back for "just a little more".. then you get out the tupperware box so you can have the rest for lunch the next day.. but find yourself eating directly from said tupperware. Anyone else hear me on this? It's baaad, but oh so good! 

I guess if I would have made rice (completely forgot that this would be appropriate, not being a rice lover!) it would have been more filling and I might have been able to control myself a little more. I did add some steamed corn (c/o Bird Eye frozen veggies) and that was tasty, but my to go box for lunch has now been changed to an after work snack. Oops! 

Bottom line: this dish is pricey, but worth it, if you can find a coupon!

Oh! I want to share a tip! I'm not the most health conscious person out there, but I'm well aware that typically these meals are just bad, bad, bad for you! My tip with any frozen skillet meal is to take out some of the frozen sauce pellet things! Usually you can pick out a handful and not even notice the difference! Give it a try!
Imagine the google image searching I had to do to find the only picture with sauce pellets! This is for some kind of frozen lasagna.. but it shows you what to look for! Got it? Good.

Let me count the ways..

Today. It snowed. A lot. When I woke up there was no snow to be seen, but I was wise and trusted dear weatherman and thought "I'm not going to risk ending up in a snow bank.. again."

So I stayed home.

I'm not completely neglectful. I came home yesterday prepared with my work laptop and gear so I could work from home. And that my friends, is what I did. You see, we have this weather policy that if you can't come in due to weather, we have to work at home. It really is a catch 22. Snow days officially don't count as a way to stay home and do nothing. Although I don't think they really having blogging in mind either..

Today - I'm rocking both laptops. And when my phone rings I quickly scamper over to work laptop and work. And the rest of the time when there is nothing else to do, well I'm thankful for being in the comfort of my own apartment.
Ok reasons why I'm glad I stayed home..

1) Check the snow.

Grass is gone!
2) Candles - I think our agency frowns upon open flames. Not this work from home agency! Ahh sweet, sweet candle.

3) I have a helper! She may be a pest, but she sure is darn cute!

4) Move aside fashionistas, I've got a new look for you! ;)

5) My very own coffee pot - less than 10 ft away from me!

6) My work laptop was up and running this morning at 7:15! It's amazing how early I can get to work when all I have to do is.. get out of bed and turn on the computer! :) Thanks to the mandated 7.5 hour work day, I'll be done @ 2:45 today! Then I can officially enjoy my snow day and do something dangerous - like watch a movie!


Yellow Monday

What in the world is "Yellow Monday" you ask? Take a look-see over at Social Work Couture for my first ever outfit of the day post! Then it will make sense. I promise it doesn't involve a yellow jump suit.

Alright moods here we go! You know the drill -

1) Organized - After the folks threatened to invade my Saturday morning with assistance (it came from a good place!), I kicked my butt into gear and tackled many projects this weekend that have needed... tackling! I also made a trip to The Container Store on Sunday and made 2 purchases to help organize my life!! It's a miracle that I only bought 2 things! That store has EVERYTHING! (How pretty is this file seen here @ Cupcakes and Cashmere)

2) Resolution-y - So this goes with #1, but I'm making it different. Deal! I had originally thought that I wouldn't make new year's resolutions this year, thinking that survival is a big enough goal... but I think I'm going to work on organizing my life as my resolution! I checked the rules, and it's not cheating to add a resolution a third of the way through January, trust me! So there you have it. Be prepared to hear about the ways I'm organizing my life!

3) Puzzled - I come home from work today and only 1 kitty cat greeted me! This isn't completely abnormal, so I went about my business, but then I got worried about old fivvy girl! I could not find her ANYWHERE! What the heck! I was seriously getting ready to call the front desk asking if some maintenance guy came in while I was gone (poor maintenance men.. always getting the blame) but then I had a genius idea and started the vacuum and before I knew it, I turned around and there she was - just looking at me like the crazy person I am! Not sure where she was hiding, but thankfully all is well again!

4) Intrigued - I had a coupon for a PF Chang's skillet meal that I'm going to make for dinner tonight! I'm hoping this sucker is good, because it's original price without the coupon is close to $10! Crazy! Whatever. Impulse buy, you win this time, but I'm on to you!

5) Exasperated - Last Friday was crazy town at work! 4realz. Maybe my clients knew that it was my magical four month anniversary (yay me!) with work and decided to be difficult, or something. I was so thankful to have the weekend to be introverted and recover! Oy vey!


Social Work Couture

Remember when I said something neat was in the works? Well, it is more officially in the works!

Drum roll please.....
Say hello to Social Work Couture

I'm very excited about this group effort project- and very excited that I have photoshop now (even though I don't really have a clue how to use it!) and can have somewhat schnazy posts!! Yay.

Likely you'll see less fashion stuff on Almost Daily Ramblings as those thoughts will be redirected to the new blog! So either rejoice that you don't have to read about it anymore (yes I'm talking to you, Dad), or get excited and become a follower of Social Work Couture!


Monday, not forgotten!

I missed my Manic Monday post last week - my apologies! I almost forgot about it today because my schedule is all off and with having today off from work (the price for working Friday - which I'd gladly do over again!) but no fear! Here we are! Just 4 today though!

1) Huh? (pretend it's an emotion!) I just learned that tonight is the premier of The Bachelor! I was so excited and quickly googled who the heck this years bachelor is and was somewhat disappointed to find that it's some bachelor dude that was the bachelor in 2007 and is back for more! Really? His name is Brad Womack and apparently he didn't pick either of the last 2 girls in 2007 and yadda yadda, disappointment, mistakes, wants more. Not promising I'll watch it - or that I won't! ;) I'm a sucker for this trash.

2) Goal-oriented. I have a huge to do list and feel like I'll make a dent in it today (that is if I ever get off the computer!). I've already knocked off two items and as long as I turn in my rent check and start undecorating the Christmas tree, I'll feel like I've accomplished something!

3) Unpredictable. The other day at work, I might have had a few tears run out of my eye balls when a co-worker asked me what was wrong. And at church yesterday during the prayers of the people, the prayers for military personnel totally got me. Sneaky emotions! I much prefer to ignore you and go on with my day! You do not want it this way.

4) Amused. I recently watched Despicable Me and it was so cute!!! It definitely makes the list of animated movie greats!

Crafty Christmas Gift

 Dad came to my rescue this Christmas and made me a beautiful necklace rack based on the ideas from this post!

Mom and I saw the knobs* at Anthropologie one day, and I was so impressed! I'm sure you could probably find similar drawer pulls / knobs for less elsewhere, but the selection is great, and it makes it easy if you don't want to trek all over! I love that they picked pulls that are different, but coordinate! Nice work parents! I love it!

Here is another option I put together! I think the flower pulls are playful and fun with a slightly vintage feel! 
And I love the bright colors on these!

*I'm not loving the word knobs... how awkward.


Canvas Winter Sale

On my lunch break the other day I stopped by Sears and had my first real experience with the Lands' End Canvas line! I tried on a bunch of things, but only purchased a few items from their sale. Admittedly, I was distracted, and it was really warm in there so I didn't have as much energy to go all out - probably a good thing!

I got two crewneck tops (in brown and navy) and a a navy turtleneck. Both fabrics are pretty thin, but great for layering!

I also purchased these grey gloves! I've been wanting a long pair of gloves that are convertible - these aren't the real fun kind that have a mitten topper but I think it's going to work perfectly for my purposes! I think the button is cute too. :)

Sadly the white sweater that I love so much was not there! Overall, I'm glad I got to actually try some items on, and was impressed by the selection the store had! The sale helped too!

Have you scored any new items from after Christmas sales?


My Private Jet + Sequins

Santa found OPI's My Private Jet and put it in my stocking!! Santa is so hip ;)

I LOVE this nail polish!! I remember reading somewhere that it's a more sparkly version of You Don't Know Jacques and I would have to agree - although just a bit darker!

For New Year's I added new Ulta's silver sparkly "sequins" nail polish on top! I love the look! So festive!
P.S. Taking pictures of your finger nail polish is awkward and tricky! Sorry. I'll work on it!

Wishing you a..

Happy New Year!