
Didja know Monday

This Monday I'm not feeling so inspired.. so I will share with you things I have learned today:

1) There is such a thing as breast milk donors. I heard this story on NPR on my way into work, and it kinda freaked me out. I guess there's that whole "do what you gotta do for your baby" thing which I can't relate to, being sans child... but I dunno, kinda gave me the creeps!

2) NPR also told me about this book called O: A Presidential Novel that is coming out soon. The author is anonymous - what a genius marketing move! I'm not a huge non-fiction reader, but it's tempting to check it out just because nobody knows who the author is- makes it exciting!

3) While driving home, I happened to notice that the car next to me had eye lashes! Not kidding. I guess their car felt naked after the hideous reindeer antlers got put away for the season.. This was not the car, but thanks to this site, I can show you what I'm talking about! Have you seen this yet??
4) Mom told me that Oprah recently found out she has a sister she didn't know about! Who know! NPR also talks about it here!

5) I'm getting ready for bed during Bachelor commercials and calling it an early night! I dragged my butt alllll day!

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