I missed my Manic Monday post last week - my apologies! I almost forgot about it today because my schedule is all off and with having today off from work (the price for working Friday - which I'd gladly do over again!) but no fear! Here we are! Just 4 today though!
1) Huh? (pretend it's an emotion!) I just learned that tonight is the premier of The Bachelor! I was so excited and quickly googled who the heck this years bachelor is and was somewhat disappointed to find that it's some bachelor dude that was the bachelor in 2007 and is back for more! Really? His name is Brad Womack and apparently he didn't pick either of the last 2 girls in 2007 and yadda yadda, disappointment, mistakes, wants more. Not promising I'll watch it - or that I won't! ;) I'm a sucker for this trash.
2) Goal-oriented. I have a huge to do list and feel like I'll make a dent in it today (that is if I ever get off the computer!). I've already knocked off two items and as long as I turn in my rent check and start undecorating the Christmas tree, I'll feel like I've accomplished something!
3) Unpredictable. The other day at work, I might have had a few tears run out of my eye balls when a co-worker asked me what was wrong. And at church yesterday during the prayers of the people, the prayers for military personnel totally got me. Sneaky emotions! I much prefer to ignore you and go on with my day! You do not want it this way.
4) Amused. I recently watched Despicable Me and it was so cute!!! It definitely makes the list of animated movie greats!
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