
Yellow Monday

What in the world is "Yellow Monday" you ask? Take a look-see over at Social Work Couture for my first ever outfit of the day post! Then it will make sense. I promise it doesn't involve a yellow jump suit.

Alright moods here we go! You know the drill -

1) Organized - After the folks threatened to invade my Saturday morning with assistance (it came from a good place!), I kicked my butt into gear and tackled many projects this weekend that have needed... tackling! I also made a trip to The Container Store on Sunday and made 2 purchases to help organize my life!! It's a miracle that I only bought 2 things! That store has EVERYTHING! (How pretty is this file seen here @ Cupcakes and Cashmere)

2) Resolution-y - So this goes with #1, but I'm making it different. Deal! I had originally thought that I wouldn't make new year's resolutions this year, thinking that survival is a big enough goal... but I think I'm going to work on organizing my life as my resolution! I checked the rules, and it's not cheating to add a resolution a third of the way through January, trust me! So there you have it. Be prepared to hear about the ways I'm organizing my life!

3) Puzzled - I come home from work today and only 1 kitty cat greeted me! This isn't completely abnormal, so I went about my business, but then I got worried about old fivvy girl! I could not find her ANYWHERE! What the heck! I was seriously getting ready to call the front desk asking if some maintenance guy came in while I was gone (poor maintenance men.. always getting the blame) but then I had a genius idea and started the vacuum and before I knew it, I turned around and there she was - just looking at me like the crazy person I am! Not sure where she was hiding, but thankfully all is well again!

4) Intrigued - I had a coupon for a PF Chang's skillet meal that I'm going to make for dinner tonight! I'm hoping this sucker is good, because it's original price without the coupon is close to $10! Crazy! Whatever. Impulse buy, you win this time, but I'm on to you!

5) Exasperated - Last Friday was crazy town at work! 4realz. Maybe my clients knew that it was my magical four month anniversary (yay me!) with work and decided to be difficult, or something. I was so thankful to have the weekend to be introverted and recover! Oy vey!

1 comment:

  1. resolutions that involve organization are good any time of year :) good for you!
