
Seriously, seriously??

OK so I absolutely told myself I would wait until after I got back from church and had more coffee for this blog post, but it seems that it needs to happen NOW!!! I keep hearing about this phenomena and need to share!

On the radio a few days ago, the djs were talking about a back to school list that was put out by ??? and one of the items that they joked about that was on there are "jeggings". No this is not a type-o, it is a real deal thing!!!
Who thought skinny jeans couldn't get.. skinnier? I'm sorry, this bothers me!! This wonder found at New York & Company describes the jegging as a style that "looks like a jean and fits like a legging." Have I been in a fashion hole??? A quick google search of "jegging" is a clear indicator that yes indeed, I have. Not only can you find them at more reasonably priced retailers like American Eagle and JC Penny, but the designer jean folks are in on this trend too!
This pair found at Joe's Jeans fortunately does not call it the "jegging", but we are all in on it now!! In my latest hobby of reading fashion blogs I've come across rumors that the regular legging look is not here to stay and may already be considered dated.. so what gives with the jegging?
I'm not convinced it will actually cover more or that more consumers will find they can wear them, but what do I know! Maybe I'm just misinformed and this hot item really will be a wardrobe lifesaver... it just looks.. itchy!! It appears this tv actress from 30 Rock is the model for Joe's jeans jeggings, according to In Style.. and I guess she does a good job with it? It helps seeing the full look, but I still don't think they are wearable for most people!

What are your thoughts??

OK, more to come after church - perhaps a less sarcastic post too! :)


  1. Maybe that's why the sweaters are longer this season too :) One can only hope that there's some covering up going on somewhere. I actually had heard of them - but no, Doncaster is not selling them! Love your fashion sense my dear! Mom xox

  2. I bought some at The Loft while I was in D.C. And though the name is stupid, I love them and can't wait till it gets a little cooler to wear them. Btw...I think you could totally pull them off!

  3. no no no, on you my dear they would look cute!! I don't think the jolly green giant needs to be in jean leggings! ;)
