
1 week

If you're keeping track, it's been a week since we fell in love with that cute little yellow house in Iowa! The biggest news to report is that we made an OFFER!!! Sadly the builder is out of town so we're having to wait a little longer than our realtor anticipated to get a response. We're trying to be patient!

Mike is wanting to start work on Friday 3/9/12 so we're hoping to hear something quickly so he can make plans. His company said they offer temporary housing on a case by case basis, so that may be an option, but ideally he wants to move into the house early while we're waiting to close.

Isn't this all just so crazy? Man oh man! How things change in a blink of an eye!!

I made things official this past Wednesday with my employer. I gave my boss an unofficial heads up before leaving for Iowa last weekend since there has been a lot of turnover recently and they are busy with interviews - wanted to make sure if they found someone great they liked they knew they would need one more person! Anyway, it feels good that more of my coworkers know, as well as HR! It's funny to see how word spreads - people randomly approached me last week saying "I hear we're losing you!". Word travels!

My last day at work will be 3/30/12! After spending time in Quad Cities and discovering how much we love the area, I considered pushing up the move to get out there faster, but this felt right / honorable. So! End of March it is. We're still working out the details with the movers for when I will move. Mike will be working 12 hour shifts, 3-4 days in a row, and then have a few days off. We want to plan to have the movers arrive when Mike is off work so he can help with everything, but we won't know his schedule until he gets out there. I'm also hoping Mom will drive out with me and help get things settled, and then fly back to Cincinnati - so we also have to coordinate this! More patience and waiting for things to fall into place!

Think that's about it for updates! Hopefully we'll hear something this week!!

P.S. We created a new blog link with "Places to Visit" in the QC area! Take a look!

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