
Rain go away!

It has been so rainy and icky these past few days!! It's putting me in a funk! I've been recovering from a cold this week (thanks to husband for sharing) and have not been doing my yoga as consistently. Today after sitting on my butt all morning I forced myself to do yoga! When I feel gross working out is really the last thing I want to do, but getting back into a good routine has magical powers.

The health insurance we have through Mike's company rewards us for exercise so I have been tracking my efforts and I've been working out consistently since March 4th! Basically 2 months! So.. to normal healthy people this is not a big deal - but to me! This is big. I have a great history of working out for 2 weeks and then not doing anything for months. I'm feeling great and seeing results in muscle strength and stamina so hopefully this can continue!

I'm being nicer to myself during this process too - realizing that working out some is a heck of a lot better than none! I started off with a goal of every other day - that way I eased my way into it and didn't get burn out. I find this to be more realistic of what I ultimately want to do anyway. For me, working out every day is just not in the cards. So why push myself to do it for a week and then get disappointment when a schedule or whatever doesn't allow. Realistic goals - such an easy concept, but challenging to put into place!

Before I left, mother in law taught me how to knit! It seems like everyone with awful winters has a "winter project" so I'm planning ahead and learning the art of knitting. This past week I finished my first project!! I used this pattern from Ravelry. I ran out of yarn so mine is a bit shorter, but it looks/ feels/ smells (kidding) like a scarf - so I must have succeeded! Next I'm going to try this pattern. I started this morning and quickly (well 2 hours) realized that I wasn't doing it correctly. After a few youtube videos and some practice I'm getting the hang of it!! Never again will I cast on more than 20 stitches if I don't know what I'm doing!!

Mike worked days Friday - Sunday, is off tomorrow and then switches to nights Tues-Thurs. Poor guy!

Time to shower and maybe paint my nails! Hope you have had a good weekend!

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