

Today we took full advantage of Mike's day off! After a lazy morning we hit the ground running and didn't return home until after dinner! We bought some random odds and ends including a stainless steel cleaner that gets great reviews (our new fridge is stainless and I'm having a hard time finding a product that doesn't leave streaks), a sprinkler, shoe racks, and this impulse buy.. well not really an impulse buy, I've been looking at these for sometime! Mike thinks they are tacky but he gave in and now we have 2! Not that we really need more glasses. Ahem.

As I was saying, we had a busy day of purchases! The most exciting items include a new coffee table and a leather chair for the family room! The leather chair is super comfortable!! I can already envision nights of tea + knitting by the fire. Maybe a small dog at my feet... The chair was in stock so we took that home with us (that was an adventure involving slow speeds and twine..) and the coffee table will be delivered in about 2 weeks. I can't find the chair online so will have to post a picture later, but this is our new coffee table!
It's the perfect combination of what we were looking for - something with a leather look (aka the top is not real leather) to go with our new chair as well as storage space! The table is also part of a set so in the near future we may be getting this end table - or something similar with more storage. :)

How exciting, right??

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