
Happy Things

1) I went to Hobby Lobby to buy yarn for project #3 and met a lady named Julie. She was also in the yarn aisle and seemed to know what she was doing so I asked what "worsted weight" yarn meant. She explained and we started chatting and she brought up the Fireside Knitters group that meets weekly at the library. I told her that I almost went this past week but chickened out! Anyway long story short I met a knitting friend and she convinced me to go to the knitting group this coming up week! I'm excited!

2) Found this at the grocery store and then convinced the cashier that it is the best stuff ever and he must try it! Forget Whitey's! Did you know that you can go here and put in your zip code and it will tell you if any stores nearby sell Graeter's! That's my secret.

3) After some other errands (finally got sheets for the guest bed!) I went to Starbucks and treated myself to my first ever Green Tea Frappuccino. Super delicious!
image source
4) This song is my favorite right now. Especially fun in the car.
A good night indeed!

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